Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cold-Weather Cabin Fever Fun

Is the cold weather giving you cabin fever? I was surfing around looking for some good articles and came up with this one written by Nava Atlas. I found it at  The website is the online version of the magazine/journal "Pediatrics for Parents". You'll find tons of helpful articles on their subject index page

The article starts out:
"Instead of feeling frustrated by the cold, dark days of winter, try to savor a slower pace, and incorporate simple pleasures into your days. Teach your children to do the same. It can be a delightful time to retreat to the shelter of home and hearth and get things done without the distractions afforded by the other seasons. Create special "cabin fever" rituals that will help you actually look forward to, rather than dread, those long cold days at home. This is especially helpful if you have preschoolers or young school-aged children home on snow days and sick days..."
It goes on to give you some good suggestions that may help eliminate the winter blues for your kids.
Happy kids = Happy mom

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